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Sunday, June 24, 2007
ended up goin shoppin with the guys yesterday and did quite a bit of impulsive shoppin. i got a pair of teva slippers and soundtracks from 13 and potc. saw jerold. found a cool shop with nice stationary.

i'm goin for fass camp. i'm starting to be a little apprehensive. okie its time to deck out the enthusiastic mask.

my contacts sucks. because they are the daily ones with not enough estic.

still don't feel belonged there. haix. should i just stop trying already?

i'm still currently fat.

kickin' [17:23]

Friday, June 22, 2007
Disturbed by the relentless chimes of my phone, and the need to go to the toilet last nite, I woke up at 345 only to read troubling sms-es. Haunted by the fact that the bbq tonite might be slightly screwed, i tossed and turned on the bed till 530 and slept another 2 hrs more before i needed to wake up. I'm dazed, disappointed and tired.

I actually slept for 5 hrs. but gone were the days when that was enough. hur. There was too much food you see. And being one of the-coz-u-do-it-evertime-organisers among good friends means that you have the unofficial responsibilty to solve problems. So i was wondering how in the world that was goin to be ironed out so hence my insomia. Thankfully, ezb has great service. okie maybe not great. but its good. so i called them at 8 to try my luck and gratefully could get some reduction in my order. Now its the atmosphere. RARH.

Went for my driving lessons at 830 this morning which i kinda screwed. My instructor kept on saying ni bu zuan xing orh! okie. i was too tired to defend my case. and he was like ni bu yong wen dui mah? ru guo ni ke bu ke yi pass. and i was lik shit. okie. thanks.

Another bummer was that after lessons, i normally hit the gym coz its walking distance away, but sigh i barely ran for 15 mins and i had to call it quits. My head was floating. seriously floating. so i had to cut short my 2 hrs work out plan. and for that i'm kinda pissed.

I so need my sleep. But before that..

Yesterday was a blast. thanks to per. who always makes fun of me. lol at least she'z laughing with me and not at me. :P We ended up chasing the illusive kate moss dress. went from city hall, bus to orchard, and mrt to vivo. it was really funny coz we were rushing everywhere lik u see 2 giggly girls running everywhere.. from 730-845.. yeh. the orchard topshop staff were more helpful and decided to help us call vivo. thankz. but per was lik that's too far?! how are we getting there. and i'm lik .. come'on you can't not go there noW!! lol.. yeah so with my instigation and her hopes we flew down to vivo (where both of us conveniently forgot which had a topshop outlet and i was there the whole day with my dad) only to be blissfully rewearded with both size 6 and size 8. :) she got her dress and her card :) and she was seriously just grinning from ear to ear :):):):):)haha..

and yesh i called the ipod wheel thing the turn-turn thing. issit that funnY? haha. i tend to speak before i think hence the slurred and mispronounced words which the whole night was littered with and you can be sure miz pEVILyn would pick up to mock me.. heh. miz pEVILyn also made me eat fat and crabos for dinner, when my inital plan was greens and proteins. rarh. lol..

And..I got my black strappy sandals too with daddy don't really know whether it was the nicest choice but oh wells.. And..darrell bailed and i bailed andre so i didn't go down early to city hall to hand in fass camp form, thus i'm now on the waiting list cos they met the girls quota. ar wellz. disappointed? a lil' but maybe its divine intervention, can concentrate more on driving.

lets see.. wad else. dear dear pevilyn told me bout the buffy comics. I LURVE! lol haven't read them. need my beauty sleep. heh.

Quick rain now, so it'll stop later.
btw.. is the font too small? am i'm causing all of you to squint when you read this?

And jas! i'm not losing weight by hitting the gym! whY!!!
its 1 now. good nite.


kickin' [12:17]

Thursday, June 21, 2007
omg. did you see the flyer from pizza hut?! 2 pizzas for 19.90! OH COME ON! tell me you ain't drooling too. garhz. I'm half inching my way to pick up the phone to get the pizzas. nono.. i can't.. (think bout my waist) maybe if you guys are free to come over to my place to watch some movies and then we can order pizzas.. (pleading eyes..)

i think i'm goin to fass camp. need to get parents' consent. and then i'm shipppin myself off. but it'll be interrupted by driving and driving test. its next thu btw. now if i pass u have a friend with benefits. :)

btw i'm freaking out over University stuff again. i dunno why. i'm thinkin i shouldn't have gone into fass. *shivers.

kickin' [09:10]

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
its ba zhang day. i've not eaten ba zhang today. probably will tmr morning. i watched 13 today. its okie. not TOO disappionting.. yeah. i've no idea why this season of block busters haven't been good.
i went to collect my bikini. i got my ez video card. and i bought more ridiculous rilakkuma things which all made me happy. other plus points includes subway and swimming.
i need to get black strappy/sandal/slipper thingy.. soon.
I've seriously too much time on my hands now.

kickin' [21:50]

Monday, June 18, 2007
that's my new fav phrase. i've no idea why. went over to andre'z to wellz slack with the guys. watched ghost rider, blade trinity and the departed.. okie la. yesterday was father'z day. shrugs. sometimes family can be a dirty word don't you think? anywayz dead tired now. i've no idea why. driving test is coming up. still wondering if i should go for the fass camp. there'z clubbin involved for sure. i'm still thinking. 50 bucks. maybe it will do wonders for my social life. of which i have none. zit. zero. saddening? maybe.

kickin' [20:44]

Sunday, June 17, 2007
i have no idea how to get new songs. *frustrated.
need to pack my filthy room again.
i like this song. but i promised someone that i'm not goin to upload the song as my background..

kickin' [17:02]

Friday, June 15, 2007
why issit that skool hasn't started but i feel lik i've screwed it already?

Exchange Programmes essay dateline is today.
Orientation Camps Applications Closes within the next few days.

i haven't done anything. sighz.


kickin' [12:01]

Thursday, June 14, 2007
went out with jaz and per today. :) we finally found time so that the 3 of us can go out together! YAY! lol..

met jaz and went to chapter 2 to get her hair done.. i lik her bangs. i think i'll cut bangs soon too.. :O

that's one hot skinny chick. grr. envious of her.. lol

yepz went down to subway! yums.. i lurve subway! haha.. yeah then we went down to topshop where per was smokin' in her black dress.

i've no idea why she is trying to seduce me! lol.. haha

i can't take good photos for nuts. lol.. yeah jaz took this one.

okie so we decided to be zi lian.. coz after all i can start uploading my photos from my phonE! yippeE.. heh..

yepz finally us! lol.. i lurve 'em to bits. haha.. the next time we meet up i think i'll be runnin on the beach chasing by those 2 with scissors.. >.<

okie watchin star wars now..

67.3 :(

kickin' [23:26]

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

There is this cat that resides at clementi kopitiam. Its grey in colour and has the fullest round face i've ever came across. I lik cats with full round faces. They look more adorable and less cunning in a way. We went to get some grocceries this morning and the cat was sleeping on a chair. It must have known that its ancestors were once revered, hence it hopped up to sleep.. either that or the coffee shop owners have come to love the cat too. i took a pic of it.

Are you amazed that i uploaded that pic? lol. i actually am. I finally figured out how to connect my phone and pc together. THE JOY >.< the wonder. Yesh. i noe bimbo. I actually told my da kor bout it yesterday night.. and he was lik BIG DEAL. ar wellz. one small insignificant achievement for me. Now.. i've to figure out how to upload songs onto my blog. lol.. i'll try to figure it out. and yay.. now u guys can start sending me music too! *BLISS

since i was sorting out the data in my phone.. here are some more pics.

this is the mango dress that really looked outragesously gross on the hanger.. but when i tried it.. it was really nice! lol.. but it was lik 125 bucks.. and its the kind of thing where u wear once and never wear it again.. so i gave up trying to get it..

this is Alena. she'z my youngest niece on my daddy'z side, she'll be turning 2 later this yr. she was the only one i couldn't "trick" into liking me during the korea trip. i'll try to get the photos of my other necies and nephews.. but i think she'z the cutest so far.. okie.. ross (my youngest nephew)is way cute too. but Alena is really naughty lol. she is so cute that when she whines and cries one of the uncles/aunties/grandparents will come over to defend her. lol. spoilt brat in the makinG? maybe.. she is stuck onto cindy jie jie (her mom) lik glue. cindy jie jie reckons Alena got the genes from me.. cindy jie jie was/is my fav couz she'z 12 yrs older.. and when she had to leave to study in cananda when she was 16 my world fell apart. i stuck onto her lik kola bear and hugged her to death.. but she had to leave .. and that's Alena now. she cries out for maa MEEEEEEE!!! which technically is earth shattering in a enclosed bus.

She likes older men though. lol. BUAYIII!! heh. my dad has no trouble tricking her into liking him. and she gladly lets him bao her. i couldn't bao her at all.. and the once which i did was because she tot i was cindy jie jie and when she realised i wasn't her mom ar wellz.. i dun need to explain. (all the jie jiez and i look alike.. or kinda.. that's what they all say.. lol)

anywayz. this pic was taken by the river in seoul. did you all watch 200 pound beauty? (i bought the dvd) there'z a scene by the river.. yeps its that river. lol..
don't ask me what the name is.. okie i'm off for driving lessons..

kickin' [09:43]

Monday, June 11, 2007
yepz. came back from korea. nothing much to say bout it.

got pissed off by somebody. i couldn't be bothered to rationalise my foul mood.

i find myself yet again spiraling down into a world of nothing-ness. THIS was what drove me to find a job. I seriously hope i won't find another one.

Cooking classes starts tmr. Goin to the market we mama to buy stuff to stuff into the zhang. wrapping the zhang on sat though. so its lik prolonged cooking lesson. At least i'll have something to do.

i guess its a good time to start seriously losing weight. i've been saying that for ages.. so don't mind me.

and there'z always yiting'z econs notes to study (thanks..) but hur. you all know how well that will go on..

holiday-ing with my friends seems to be drifting further and farther away. sigh.

just bored.

kickin' [22:06]

mARcH 27tH 1988

LiL' Cravings
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xiao bai


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