Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Increasingly, I find that having the 'right' human behaviour is hard.
I don't know how but i feel that i've became more introverted as the years roll by. I have no idea why, but it just seems this way and I think its not necessarily good or bad, but i feel that my life is getting very isolated.
I'm in the midst of my biddings, so I'm a bit muddled, pardon me.
Blogging is rather narcissistic don't you agree? With sentences starting with I, and assuming that pple out there would really want to know about you. Its a bit redundant.
I'm glad for friends. Really. Sometimes convos with them just makes the day a little brighter.
kickin' [19:16]
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Seriously. I could really kill my brother. Just chapters away from the end he had to shout the ending to me! How immensely irritating and it really well, irked me to the point it made me go into screaming fits. AND HE DOESN'T EVEN READ AND CARE BOUT HARRY POTTER!!!!!!! He really enjoys tormenting me.
My dad was amused and wondered why I would be stuck at home the whole day, you see I can't normally do that. But wendy was a dear to let me borrow the book from her yesterday.. and so today was a no brainer. My dad told my brother at dinner bout me reading and he just started shouting at me on my way up. *I still feel like strangling him!!!!!!!!!
MM Lee looks really old.. sorry random tot. *I'm still trying to calm my nerves down. maybe i'm mad coz its finally over.. lol.
i've decided not to read it again till i get my whole potter set.. and maybe i'll start from book one again.
however the book did get a little boring at certain parts. yeah not as bad as lik the other books but it did get a little stale.
Wanted to do my hair today but haha reading was more impt.
oh gosh. i still extremely peeved that my brother ruin my ending. i think i will start screaming at him soon. argh.
kickin' [21:31]
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Its been a week for disappointments. I swear orchard rd is out to get me. I Can't buy the stuff that i really want which well, has put me in a slightly dazed and angry mood.
I can't find my organiser, my potter series book and now the metallic markers. Hmms. I guess they are helping me save up? But i'm still slightly peeved.
This week will be kinda boring. Nothing much happening. I think I might gio dy down to study at macs. yesh. to study coz i've nothing better to do. and i think i might do something to my hair too.
omg. i'm so bored.
went out with gloria yesterday. lik finally.. lol. we haven't seen each other for lik 2 yrs.. and its quite ironic that when orph finally leaves.. gloria and i start to go out.
shit have i mentioned that i'm bored?
i was thinking of revamping my room.. gettin the double decker kind of bed frame.. but the lower deck doesn't have a bed... just space to put lik stuff.. i was thinkin of getting a small reading couch. if i want to do that.. i had better start soon.
my table'z a mess again. when i just packed it not too long ago.. i guess i really am just a messy person. heh.
btw here'z a warning to all my friends.. don't be a spoiler bout the hp ending.. i'll probably disown you. and i already know that hedwig dies. thanks to pevilyn. rarh.
kickin' [10:32]
Thursday, July 19, 2007
8 mnths of blissful holidays have came and passed. Weird ain't it? hmms.
I finally packed my room today.. threw out much of my A levels stuff.. haha lik finally rite? I couldn't bear to throw away my un-used Prelim Papers.. shall pass them on to my jrs soon. I saved most of my phy and math notes too.. phy coz i worked to hard on it. and math coz well math seems essential. chem notes were in files which i emptied and threw to the grangunii.. days starring at popo.. gone *phaftt just like dat. i guess i'm glad. no more organic chem and their mind boggoling structure ((:
I went to watch the potter movie yesterday. It wasn't intriguing. I'll say it was sketchy at best and i guess the fight scene was okie but that's bout it. ar wells. its okie wasn't pinning too much hope on it. the potter books are less than 48 hrs away though. *GRINS. went by borders yesterday.. and found out that borders is opening at 5 am and the books will go on sale at 7.01am. haha.. no i'm not waking up that early to get it.
what i do hope is that in the last installment of the series that 2 things don't happen..1)snape turns out to be a good guy 2) ron & hermoine get married.eek. i want to continue condemning snape. other den dat.. i really can't be bother if potter really dies. *evil grin.
anyways was rather sad that i couldn't find my planner. *grumbles. i almost cheered myself up by gettin a crumpler.. its 98 for the small one and 183 for the bigger one.. 98 seems resonable.. da kor wants to get the bigger one though.. haha.. shrugs.. i seriously think i will get it for skool..
i realised buying stuff for skool way in advance was a load of crap. haha. i'm kinda already sick of the clothes i bought and the bag which i got the other time looks just horrid now. heh.. more shoppin anyone?
okie better pick up the rest of the stuff i left lazily on the floor.. ohz i want a room make over tOO! hoooo and skool'z starting in bout 2 weeks.
kickin' [20:46]
Monday, July 16, 2007
ahoy mateYs.
I'm back from redang.. eee hhheeehehe..
okie.. at redang i re-acknowledge that i'm so not a sea gal. as much as i lurve to be in it and experience all that water sport things. i'm really not much of a mermaid. quite saddening don't you think.. but what do you aspect from a girl who get seasick on a superstar virgo rite? lol.
wen tng was a dear, i hope i wasn't a pain. coz we only went 1/3 snorkeling dives.. so ahahaha.. we spent the rest of the time lazing around and canoeing though.. yepz.
one thing i couldn't stand there was that everybody smoked. the cute girls smoked. the friendly tourist smokes. the ah bengs and ah lians? need i say? and everyone else had tatoos. omg. yeah but a pack of cigarettes there are lik dirt cheap.. bout 3++ SGD. yeah. i'm so glad that our gov decided to excessively tax those horrid things and ostracise smokers in the yellow box. :) i'm sorry to smokers. especially my friends who smoke. but hey I lived with the hatred of being a second hand smoker at home for the past 17 yrs of my life.. so i don't think i'm dat baseless in my prejudice against them.
caught a fever and a flu on the way back.. so i had to skip pre orientation camp. but i think i'm goin to crash camp when they go sentosa.. heh.. more tanning? i'm a bit black now.. my back'z peeling slightly and my face too but i kinda lik the tan.. well maybe its a bit dark but HEE. but guess waD? haha i dare to sun tan in my bikini top.. hee.. yeah.. tokin bout the bikinis.. i lik the black top and the green bottom.. lol..
okie okie.. my life is starting to get hectic again. HEE. need to start studying for econs. i think i might be heading down to west coast macs.. jr dears.. if you have study grps gio me yahs? or maybe can come down to macs.. but i dun think its very easy for you guys to get there.
okie.. goin to take my temp. sometimes it shoots up to 38 degrees. shooSH! don't tell my parents dat. and no.. i've not been to the docz.
ohz i lost weight. heh. due to my fever. heh. i went for medical check up today.. and thankfully my boobs didn't get grooped. yehz. met a couple of friends there too.. hee. ohz i was 66.2 with my jeans on today! hee.. stupid nurse didn't wait.. she saw 66.4 lol.. and when i came home.. and changed i was 65.6 hee hee .. i think i should get sick more don't you think? but i hate being sick..
can't wait to get my hands on the potter books. i'm plannin to spend a bomb on them. :/ hee
btw if you have nothing to do to nite..
9pm Speed ch 58
11pm brother and sisters ch 2
hee.. i noe i have nothing to do tonight.. btw i heard bro and sis was good.. dunno how true though..
kickin' [17:52]
Sunday, July 8, 2007
SO. Yesterday was Live earth. It to me was heart wrenching. No, not the fact that the Earth is dying, but wells, to realise that I actually do want to pursue that spasticated science course in ANU. I'm sorry i'm whinning about this again. But seriously it brought back the want vs need issue all over again, and however I see it, the only thing i can figure out is that I'm a whim. Or at least i feel that way. I know I should live life, no regrets kinda motto and I'm working on it. I need healthy,constructive and opinionated perspectives, of which its hard to find.
Anywayz, I've not started packing I think there's a tonne of things to bring and I don't think my addidas bag can fit them. *shivers. Just realise that i'm becoming super havoc. Pre-camp for O week (orientation week) is on 16-17th and btw i'm coming back on the 15th nite. I think my parents will flip. I don't know yet.. heh. And og'z outing is confirmed on the 10th. whheee.. if i'm allowed to do all these things.. WHEE!! :P :) :> XD
My dad changed alot of money for me today.. and he said bring lik more sing in case of emergencies.. lik gettin a plane home.. he even asked if i had insurance.. lik what happens if i die there. urmz. okieeee... yeah but i think i'm going to buy insurance for that too. apparently its only 20 bucks. *i noe pple lik dy is goin to buy insurance for a tsunami.. apparently she thinks i'll cause one. *phafht.
In case I don't have the time to say this.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY DEAR! on Friday the 13tH! and IF i really cause a tsunami.. i hope its on your birthday.. i mean come'on.. how cool is that right? who else can give you a natural disaster for a bdae present? Be THANKFUL! lol.
Okie. i've still yet to figure out my packing list.
btw if you haven't watch potter puppet pals. go to per'z blog. it brings a stupid smile :}
oh lookie here. i got another one. rarh.
parents aren't too happy bout og dinner. pisseeedd.
kickin' [23:07]
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Wendy and I were suppose to go down to the tour agency today, but she overslept, and thus I ended up re-vamping my blog in the spirit of Redang :)
The weather'z too nice to get out of the house anywayz, but the miraculous thing is that the day when i stay home is the day that nobody else is at home. haha..but its okie i like it like dat. Peaceful and quiet .
Lots of things are going to happen on Tuesday. I don't know why.. but thinking of it just sends pleasant shivers down my back. ahhh.. anticipation is a weird thing don't you think?
Lets see.. Orph is flying off in the morning, I have an og dinner.. and I'm leaving at 2230 :P *squeals
I bought a black sun dress.. (i dunno how a sun dress is black but yahs.) and i'm goin to get another bikini :) I'm high.
ohz i was too lazy to add more links.. sorry bout that.. i want to go shoppin stilL!
okie goin to bum around at home somemore! today's weather is so PERFECT!
kickin' [11:57]
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
for those of you who still don't know, i failed driving.
fass camp was slightly more fun than i thought it would be.. but i didn't realised it till after i broke camp. For that i blamed my incredibly foul mood due to me pms-ing and driving. i hate it when i pms and i don't know bout it. but ar wellz. its over so yepz.
My og, rangers of rumpa, *yesh you are suppose to laugh, are a bunch of fun loving, overly enthusiastic and worst than taitai-ish gossip mongers. lol. of which i am included. we are united in one cause: project eliminate ah ee. But seriously, by the 5th day of camp we were doing some serious bitch work on her, but you can't exactly blame us, she is afterall weird and scary.
I almost had my worst experience at fass camp. we have sumthing called speed dating. its a nightly segment that all camps must have due to the fact that they are sponsored by SDU. anywayz. i ALMOST had to tongue bright. yes. i just said tongue. and bright. i would have positively cut my tongue out if i had done it. just as well as i didn't think i could live after that. hur.
And.. apparently i don't think i'll find a bf soon. lol.. stares pointedly at per. there were only 4 guys in my 18 strong grp. of which all can't make it you'll understand as we decked names lik ah boy, ah pek, ah tiong and ah blur.
okie i shan't blog too much bout it here.. i think its more entertaining if i told you in person. btw i met some entertaining friends there. lik seriously their brains can work a 100 times faster than mine. and now you all thought my suanning skills were bad. if i can rip some picz of i'll post them here :)

this was us at sentosa. my og was running everywhere.. and we were the coolest og that had donuts and rode the sky lift.. lol..

these are the two cutest aka.. smallest girls in the og.. janice myself sherlyn :)

myself alicia and sherlyn.
alicia is way cute. haha.. she'z also super scared of ah ee.. hee.. btw the world is small coz sheryln and orph were classmates! lol.. yepz
ripping off the photos makes me wonder why i yet to have a cam to call my own. lol. i just realised my current camera on my phone sucks. doesn't have flash and all that.. so my next phone will be sumthing with a good cam! :P
kickin' [11:40]