Tuesday, August 28, 2007
i really wanted to change my blogskin.. and apparently its harder than it is.. I can't find a nice colourful one without lollipops!
Okie i've nothing against lollipops.. well not really.. but just that sometimes don't you wonder that those BIG COLOURFUL ones can be really intimidating? lik they are so big and attractive and all it really does is to scream "BUY ME! EAT ME!" but you know full well that it's so humongous and the possibility of you finishing it in one continuous licking is impossible? And so those wonderfully made lollipops seem to turn into this sinister candy which mocks the unaccomplished task at hand if you ever tried. okie i noe i'm weird. @.@ heh
but its okie .. i wanted to get a more extroverted skin.. which alludes me today.. rarh. and truth be told i've wasted too much time online finishing season 2 of bones and looking for my skin.. i've not started studying! paffths.
there'z netball in skool later (yeah.. no skool today.. yipee!) maybe i'll run there to nus to play.
anyways there goes my bourne ultimatum.. looks lik i'll have to wait for the dvd to rent it.
stupid bleach doesn't want to upload itself.. heh.
i can't wait for all the new season of things to arrive! hee.. all after the awards season.
kickin' [13:47]
Monday, August 20, 2007
Apparently school for me is no fun.
Nothing much happening except for maybe being currently annoyed by how easily stressed I get.
I have got my birks and my crumpler by the way. Tools attempted to lift my mood.
Does anyone else feel amazed and thrill by fireworks? Have been catching a few shows.
I got the tutorial classes I want. Thank God.
Wasted most of my sleep on Bones.
I still want to catch bourne ultimatum and hairspray. Highly unlikely judging by the amount of work I have.
Econs expo mod suxx. I don't understand and no one else has the slightest clue.
Econs/SS so far has been entertaining.
Theater Studies though intriguing might prove to be a hard challenge.
Food Security. Hopelessly dull but I'm hoping its muggable.
Physics in everyday life, has surprisingly been the most exhilarating.
Now. All I have to do is to find out what am I suppose to study for the exams. It alludes all of us.
Phy by far has been well entertaining. The lect brought liquid nitrogen into class. way cool. dip rubber bands into it and watch them being broken lik glass pieces. i.e become brittle. Lecturer has stress the need to articulate our findings properly. Like how looking at liquid nitrogen is not "chez,nothing" but rather "its just a colourless liquid which looks like water with an exception of white fumes spilling over". WOW. lookie here. a science class teaching the value of expressions.
Phy has constantly been ending in 45 mins although the given timeslot is 2 hrs. LALA. which just means he is really teaching less and we have to learn more. affhh..
Joined pilates. Its boring. with breathing techniques and ankle breaking position i doubt i'll actually lose weight.
Which remains me i took a month to lose 4 kg and managed to put back 2 in a week. Now that's irritating.
I've not acquired the skill of learning econs yet which troubles me highly.
Toodles to the social life i once had.
kickin' [22:24]
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Hello everyone! Guess how i'm blogging this? HEE!!! i got my new laptop! yay! actually i got it back on wednesday..but i didn't officially prepared it till now..YAY! haha and can you guess where in the house i am noW? heh..the TOILET!! lol.. i just wanted to see whether i could like use my lappy while i'm bored and stuck in the water closet.. lol so fuN!..
heh excuse my enthusiasm.. heh.. i got my Econs intro module which i was desperately trying to bid for.. lol.. and i have this! hee so wonderful.. and this lappy has an in built bluetooth too.. so i don't need to install anything to get my photos from my phone.. wHOO Hoo!
actually loads of things have been happening this week. it was just that i was too busy and stresed to actually blog about it.. nvm i shall now..
Last friday i went to wendy's hostel at ntu.. and became her maid.. lol.. anywayz the highlight of that was that after that we went down to jurong point where i had an enourmous meal courteous of wendy HEE! anyways we decided to walk around jp because i'm still looking for my sundress haha.. and instead i found a really glam dress.. and guess what it was only 36 dollars! and i decided to get a tube with it which cost another 6 dollars which entitled me to get a membership card.. WHEE

okie den on thursday i went for night classes at febc.. and den bro josiah gave us a lift in his PICKUP! so cooL! haha.. i've never set in a pick up before so it was really exciting that i got to try it! hee.. it really was exhilarating to feel the wind in your face.. our hair were windswept and truly just messy.. but haha it was fun.. i had to come back to wash my hair twice though.. coz that inevitably trapped alot of dust and dirt. hee

i think this photo is really cool.. i didn't do any photoshopping to it.. but kinda gives you the feel of the moving vehicle too! heh..

yeps just that dada and i at the back, chan debbie and grace were there too heh..
yepz.. yesterday night jas per and i went out and went to holland v haha.. its been a long while since i've been out with the babes.. ar wells..
i need to start plannin for my other modules.. i didn't get one of my modules though.. oh wells.
my happyness won't last long..
next week is full of orientation. ee hee
kickin' [16:07]