Sunday, January 20, 2008
this week has been hectic. got an email stating that if i was still interested in hall i should move in asap. which i did. so hi from tmr onwards i'll be living in kent ridge.
today was bad. really bad. didn't go church. ihg officials screwed up and i messed up, for the whole point today's disaster made a lot of sense. thus "Thou shalt keep thy Sabbath day holy" is indeed a commandment to be kept. I knoe. i shouldn't put the blame on excuses but today was a new low. and i guess it really made me think bout where my piorities lie. so as this week comes to a close i don't feel to happy nor excited bout my shifting.
i'm worrying quite a bit. like whether i can fit in. whether i'll enjoy myself and all that.. and whether its even right for me to go.i guess the experience will be enlightening and there's really nothing i can do now since i've already jumped in. i won't say i'm depressed just a bit queasy.
today while my dad was toking i realised again why i still respect him. he really knows alot of things. he is a strong headed stubborn person but yet he is aware and understand his surroundings. i on the other hand bounce along hoping everything is fine. i really should be more observant and analytical over issues. freaking real and related issues.
today feels like a wake up call. the holiday mood which dazzled everything in shinning glittering accents just vanished with the most absolute final hammer of the sudden realisation that its morning and life is about the race again. so hi world. i'm up with 2 eyes wide open.
got a little susprise from yesterday. and must shout a big Thank you! but upon reflection i realise that i should have been more grateful and watch i say. yeps. okie i really need to go mug and like pack my bags i've still got a ton of things to bring to hall. i need to decorate my room!
kickin' [22:59]
Saturday, January 12, 2008
this week really has been very church-y.. i went for night class on mon, bball with church peeps on wed, night class on thur, yf today, and church tmr. wow seriously that's record breaking. i don't knoe if i should join fcm, i don't feel like it which shouldn't be the case but i realised again today why i'm so distance from them. its really not their fault, but seriously we just ended up with small talk. and that's not ... fulfilling i guess. but its not their fault i knoe that it was becuase i started distancing myself if the beginning ar wells. i'll figure out sumthing.
today yiting PANG SEH me.. haha.. was suupose to go down to the gym with her.. but she didn't wake up on time! lol. i ended up goin to the gym with my dad this morning. and den had breakfast and came home to sleep, had lunch and slept again.. den i went for yf.. lol.. i felt so guilty i went to the gym again just now.. lol.. but seriously i've been to the gym 3 times in the last 4 days and i think working out doesn't exactly help alot when it comes to the scale. haha i guess it tones your muscles but really i think eating less works much better. but knowing me, i can't resist food so lallala.. have been binging alot lately.
went out with dy the on tuesday at jp and ate a foot long sub! and we had ice cream after .. haha i knoe you guys are like OMG how can jelaine eat so much? wells technically when it comes to subway YESH! lol... haha.. thursday i had supper with s26 pple and friday i was binging out at my friend's house too.. lol.. friday was kinda fun went down all the way to pasir ris to play mah jong with my nus og.. haha.. which i'm terribly noob at and lost lik 8 bucks? lol.. yeahh andy had wii toO! haha and super mario whee is SO CUTE! lol.. yeahh i knoe horribly bimbotic but seriously its way cute. andy said that there was zelda in wii edition too! OHHH!!! i want to play it if he gets it! haha.. i decided to leave pasir ris to catch american ganster with darrell.. that show is good.. haha i didn't realised it was m18 though.. haha until i saw nudity and i was likeee.. wait is this m18? haha.. oops slow..
recently i've been catching romantic princess translation gong zhu xiao mei.. its goin to air on channel U soon.. lol. haha if you guys didn't noe its because wu zun is in it! :DD haha i must admit his acting skills are close to 0 but seriously he is too cute and thus is forgiven. but yeah i think he should just stick being a model or sumthing lol.. angela is still pretty but she'z really thin.. to the point that its scary lol.. and i think she can act unlike her co-star. ar wells who cares about taiwan idols anyway rite? real life is far from theirs.. *i see dy throwing her shoes at me over her hubby...
k skool is starting on monday. i need to pack my table again.. ohs i bought another pair of new shoes with daddy.. they weren't really the ones i wanted but i guess it close enough.. k. i missing my sc peeps. but i don't think i can meet up with them anytime soon.. ciaoz pple hope this week was fun for you guys too!
kickin' [22:07]
Sunday, January 6, 2008
this week has been kinda great! i guess its quite and an all rounded week.. but hmms i need to start quitening down. i went out lots and bought alot of shoes! whee! i still want one more pair though.. hee:D i'm done with my first day of cny clothes too! haha i kinda need to get some skool clothes and i'll be done!
spiritually i've been keepin up to date.. which reminds me i've not done qt in bout 2 days.. should really get to it tonight. haven't found a new devotion though.
ohs i was being a good lil' friend on thursday.. i let taitai dydy drag me around the WHOLE day from centrepoint to plaza sing to wisma/taka to bugis in search for her coverted white-sundress for her photo shoot.. lol.. i should have known better la.. but it was really great catching up with her..((: and den on friday evening it was my turn to drag darrell from plaza sing to city hall in search of presents but hey i finished in 2 hrs k.. lol unlike wendy for at least.. 9 hrs! and being a much coverted good friend i'm lettin her drag me around again to find accessoires for her next photo shoot.. quick THANK ME MORE! lol.. and i resent the fact you think your intelligence drops a noch when you are with me! haha...
in between all this.. was the highly irritating event of cors bidding for mods next sem. THank God i got all my mods already so i really don't need to worry a thing for the next week but i was stressing out for a couple of days.. its very routine.. so when bidding comes around prepare to ignore me lol..
den on sat we had our badminton gathering at delia's house! it was WAY FUN! haha forgot how silly and stupid we could be together! i miss the good ole days with those pple. and even though i don't lik organising much anymore i'm really glad that most of the pple i contacted came down((: as usual ZHI KANG was being retarded.. the jrs bullied me and dydy proved to be the ever green bimbo taitai.. haha! really lots of good memories.
our dearest joanne wanted to get drunk and wasted yesterday coz i had the car.. it was really funny and entertaining.. she kept callin me julian haha.. and all that.. she'z was really loud and i'm sure all of us were more amused than irritated at her highness lol.. she didn't managed to get wasted.. wells not totally though.. cos there wasn't enough booze and pple lik wendy and i had to go home.. (its insane i tell you! even with a car i'm suppose to go home earlY! seesh!)don't worry people i'm responsible! i don't drink and drive.. zhi kai drove too.. and i can't say i'm not jealous over his merz haha.. but its alright.. i didn't managed to get all the photos yet.. i'll try to up load some now though..

today we went over to my aunts place.. and she has the most friendly dog i've seen thus far.. he'z called cookie and the scene is really cute when my young nieces and newphews plays with it.. haha yeahh i wished i had a dog.
hmm i still want to buy somethings maybe i'll find pic or put links here so if you guys are bored you can check it out..
i had a nice long tok with pearl just now.. i'm really happy for her.. although she'z actually going thru a lil bit of a rough/stressful time.. i admire her coz she's unknowingly actually in control with her life. knows what she wants and cares alot for the people around. its hard to find sensible people like that nowadays.. much less people our age like that. yeps its nice to see friends grow/change for the better don't you think ((:
okie i need to go bathe soon.. haha but i doubt i'll be sleeping early.. haixx that's bad.. i'm loving my life now. i really should be more open and be in the moment ((: i'm starting to make stuff and try to be creative.. trying to follow in the footsteps of sheryl.. somehow lately i feel grounded and bless. i guess that friends around also have played a large role in it. so thank you for the good times!
kickin' [23:31]
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
today feels like a lazy saturday! ((: didn't get up till lik 1 but it still felt like it was in the morning. today's totally down time. so how was everyone's new year's eve? fine i hope!
i realised that this is at least my 2nd year in the row which i've not been spending time with church pple over the new year. I think it may be my 3rd but its alrite. I've been hanging with the andre and darrell alot lately. no idea why! haha.. maybe its coz both of them had lik 2 weeks off yeps. if anyone is still wondering they are still as naive as ever. yeps. been pubbing with them alot lately too.. and we found that sitting at the river side at clark quay is really nice ((: 
last night we went back there with hazel.. and managed to catch half of the fireworks at the esplanarde. HAPPY. fireworks make me HAPPY! ((: darrell was spas enough to order a voldka martini.. ar wells
got a lil' high toking to hazel at the river-side hee :D but that's is always fun. Don't worry guys i knoe when to stop. i don't believe in gettin wasted. its just lame. but ANDRE wanted to go home cos he was tired. I was really REALLY sad. haha.. and i whineeeeeeeeeeddddddd all the way home. lik come on new yr's eve is the only day i get to stay out and won't get breathed down upon. but ar wells we went back and i didn't sleep till almost 330. which reminds me my bio clock is screwed. i need to try to get it back soon!
okie i'm soo slacking today.. just typing in bed. its a perfect day to snuggle up in bed. but i've no idea why i've a migrian which is eating my right side of the brain.
went over to liling's chalet for her bdae the other day and now i have a majong itch! anybody who wants to play mahjong call me! haha but beware i'm rather noob!:P

yeps have the next few days kinda planned out.. which includes tonnes of shopping..
kickin' [15:03]